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Registering for PelotasMUN is a very easy task.

Please follow these few steps.

You should select 10 countries from the Country List page that have representatives in the committees you are willing to participate in. Please bear in mind it is not certain whether your first choice will actually be designated to you, be it regarding country or committee.

Then, proceed to fill in the Registration Form, in "Registration Form" Page. During such procedure, please inform your chosen committees and up to 10 countries by order of preference. This is necessary to guarantee fairness in the staff’s allocating work.


Important: The application needs to be sent specifying who the pair will be, that is, with a pre-established pair representing the same country. However, each application must be sent separately. 

A fee of R$50,00 is charged in order to take part in the conference.

After registering, you will have three days to pay the registration fee. The payment method is through deposit or bank transfer to the bank account bellow:  


Banco do Brasil

C/C: 48.295-1

Ag.: 0144-9

Lethícia Xavier da Cunha

Please note that the deposit must be identified and you need to send the deposit receipt to the PelotasMUN e-mail ( so your registration may be confirmed. When the full amount is received by the staff you will receive a confirmation e-mail .


Registration deadline: August 17th.

The Country Assignment will take part in August 18th.

How to Participate

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