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         PelotasMUN rewards delegates when they prove to be truly involved with the “Model United Nations spirit”, aware of their delegation’s role and acting in a diplomatic way.

          For individual awards, coherence in foreign policy, diplomatic behaviour, speaking ability, negotiation skills, knowledge of issues and rules of procedure and the votes of the delegates are taken into account. 

         We strongly stress that PelotasMUN is an educational simulation aiming at encouraging all delegates to prepare to represent either ambassadors or representatives of the civil society in one of the bodies of the United Nations.

          At the end of PelotasMUN, we hope that each student will have an enriching educational experience, learning both from his own studies and from his interactions with his fellow delegates and chair persons. The basic idea of the prize is not to enhance competition among delegates. It’s to reward those that have indeed made their best, setting them as examples for the other participants.

Awards Policy

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