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In this first edition of PelotasMUN there will be three simulated UN committees: United Nations Security Council (UNSC), United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) and the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). In each committee two topics will be discussed.
  • UNSC: Situation in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea); and Peace and Security in West Africa;
  • UNHRC:  Women individual HR violations: the challenge of women empowerment in Southeast Asia; and The Conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic and the Situation of the Civilian and Non-Combatant Population;
  • ECOSCOC: Financing for Development: The Sustainability of External Debt; and Peacebulding & Post-Conflict Recovery: Haiti, East Timor and South Sudan ad hoc advisory groups;
The choice of these organs and themes was made keeping in mind the relevance of them in the current international agenda, covering major problems the world is facing in the fields of security, human rights and economics. Unresolved issues that fit in the UN principals like the maintenance of international peace and security, the promotion of social progress and the guarantee of human rights as expressed in its Charter will be discussed during the simulation.
Thus, we expect to achieve a debate in which the represents of each country hold discussions, negotiate and finally reach a consensus on such issues. Choose a topic that suits better for you or that you like the most and get inside it.
Further and essential information will be released later in the Study Guides and in the sections of each committee.
Challenge yourself!
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